You’re probably aware that sliding glass doors can be a huge window into your home. Not only are they attractive and aesthetically pleasing, but you get a lot of natural light and incredible views!
But there’s one thing that makes many people hesitant to install these types of doors: the installation process.
Sliding glass doors don’t just come with an easy-to-follow instruction manual; they also require professional installation from licensed contractors who have experience installing them.
Luckily for you, we’re here to help! We recommend hiring our team at King Door and Lock because we specialize in everything related to this type of door: we offer outstanding customer service, experienced professionals who know how to properly install the door without damaging your home or creating an unsafe environment, and much more!
To begin with, you should decide how many doors you want to install. If you’re having a new house built, that’s completely up to your discretion; if not, then this step will be easier for you because your contractor can take measurements from the room in which the door will be installed and also measure the door itself.
Once you have those measurements, your contractor will use them to place an order with whichever manufacturer of sliding glass doors they work with (there are many different ones!). Alternatively, if you’ve already picked out a particular type of door that you want from a reliable manufacturer or seller (we recommend going online since there are so many different local distributors), your contractor can also order it directly from there.
When the door has arrived, your contractor will bring it over to your home and install it! The installation process usually takes anywhere between 2-4 hours, but if you have multiple doors being installed then that time frame is usually longer because more care needs to be taken to properly install each door.
One last thing that you’ll want to think about when replacing your sliding glass doors is the weatherstripping around them! Your contractor should be able to provide this service and it’s also something that can end up saving you money in the long run. Remember, these doors are made of two panes of glass that slide up and down, so you’ll want to make sure they’re properly sealed to prevent cold air from coming in or heat from escaping.
About King Door and Lock: You should definitely hire a company that specializes in installing sliding glass doors!
This is usually an experienced and reliable company that knows how to properly install the door, as well as provide outstanding customer service. Hiring a contractor with experience is very important because if something goes wrong during the installation process you’ll need someone who can quickly and professionally fix it!
Sliding glass doors, as the name implies, slide up and down horizontally. You open them by standing in front of them and pulling down on a handle that is attached to the movable part of the door. In general, sliding glass doors come in three parts: one stationary panel and two sliding panels which operate independently. A hinged side panel may also be included instead of a stationary panel.
The stationary panel is typically installed in a wall of the house/apartment, while the sliding panels are constructed from two pieces of glass with metal frames that fit together in the middle.
Another common name for this type of door is a “patio door” because it’s often used to replace or provide extra entry and exit points on the outer walls of a home or apartment.
There are many different types and styles of sliding glass doors on the market today, each made to fit within certain price ranges. As such, someone wishing to install this type of door should be able to choose from quite a few options which will fit their individual needs perfectly. A carpenter or any other contractor can help you select the right door and assist in the installation process as well.
Features of Sliding Glass Doors:
The main advantage of sliding glass doors is that they can be installed in virtually any type of structure, from small apartment buildings to large three-story houses. They are also easy to clean, usually made of clear glass, and can be fitted with certain attributes such as screens, curtains, locks, and light fittings.
The cost of a sliding glass door installation may vary depending on the size of the door, the type of frame used for it, and any additional features that you decide to get. The good news is that even if you have a small budget to work with, you can always find the ideal door for your needs.
If you want to install a sliding glass door in your new house or an existing home, then some factors need to be taken into account before doing so. Even though this type of door is very popular, not everyone knows how to properly select and install it. Certain rules need to be followed during the installation process.
Things To Consider When Installing A Sliding Glass Door:
The first thing you’ll want to do is measure your wall and decide how big of a door frame will fit in it properly. This type of door needs at least two feet on both sides so that it can slide open and close freely.
Sliding glass doors can be made to fit any type of structure, from small apartment buildings to large three-story houses. However, before installing a door in your new house or existing property, there are certain factors that need to be taken into account:
The first thing you’ll want to do is measure your wall and decide how big of a door frame will fit in it properly. This type of door needs at least two feet on both sides so that it can slide open and close freely.
Another thing you’ll want to do is measure the width of the opening where the door will be installed, just to make sure everything fits easily. If any obstructions might need to be removed, such as a smoke detector or a light fixture, you’ll want to do so.
The next thing you ought to do is measure the height of your door opening and make sure it’s high enough for the sliding glass door to fit without hitting anything else in the process. This will ensure that no damage is caused to the new door.
Once you’ve determined that everything will fit, make sure the floor of the house/apartment where the door will be installed is level with all other floors. If not, this may need to be fixed for pipes or drains to work properly.
It’s also very important that there aren’t any stairs leading up to the door opening. In most cases, if this is an issue then a ramp will need to be built so that individuals in wheelchairs can still access the doorway easily.
Steps To Installing A Sliding Glass Door:
If you’ve determined that everything is ready for the installation of your sliding glass door, here are the steps you’ll need to follow:
First, remove any debris and dirt from the entranceway where the door will be installed. The floor needs to be cleaned and painted if necessary to ensure that everything is neat and clean when installing a new sliding glass door. You should also start cleaning out the frames of your wall at this time.
If you’re working with an existing frame, then take a look at the old door and decide whether or not it should be removed. If there are no windows in this frame, then there is no need to remove the door. However, if there are windows and screens installed on it, you’ll want to remove the window panes completely before removing the door.
If you’re working with a brand new frame, then clean it thoroughly so that no dirt can interfere with the installation of your sliding glass door. You should also measure and fit any frames for windows or doors in this wall before installing your new glass door. This will ensure that they don’t necessarily need to be removed later on.
Closing the Openings:
After you’ve finished cleaning and measuring everything, it’s now time to start closing the openings of your wall where old windows and doors used to be. You’ll want to make sure that these spaces are as airtight as possible, so no cold or warm air can escape into other parts of the house.
After closing the opening, cut a piece of drywall to fit the wall. If you’re working with an older frame, then you should make sure there are no holes where pipes or ducts can be seen. Finally, install a new sliding glass door into the house!
Installing The New Sliding Glass Door:
If your frame is new, then you’ll want to ensure that any windows and doors are actually closed before attaching your sliding glass door to the frame. If not, you can run into some issues while installing a new sliding glass door.
If your old door was removed from its frame, then make sure it’s completely off of the wall before beginning this process of installing your new sliding glass door. Begin by applying a small bead of siding to the backside of the frame where the bottom bar is located, working up toward the top. Make sure the bead lands on each side of every angle in the wood framing, not just in one spot.
Once this task has been completed, you should screw the bottom bar of the frame into the wall. Make this as tight as possible, but do not strip out any of the screws or cause further damage to your frame!
If you’re working with a window that is located in your new sliding glass door frame, then begin by applying siding to each side of it. You should start at the top and work your way down, ensuring that the bead is applied to each angle of the frame.
Once this has been completed, you’ll want to secure it into place so that it doesn’t fall out or pop loose during any type of movement. If you’d like to actually seal in warm air from outside, then feel free to use foam siding to seal around the window. This will help you save money on energy bills over time!
After the frame has been secured into place, measure any remaining pieces of siding that need to be installed on your sliding glass door frame. If you’d like these pieces to overlap, then make sure they’re as large as possible before installing them.
The final step in installing your new sliding glass door is to use additional screws to secure the actual glass into place. Continue screwing it into the frame until you feel certain it’s going to be safe for use, then apply a bead of weather stripping around all edges of the door!
Additional Information:
Make sure that any old decking or flooring is removed before you begin installing your new sliding glass door. If not, you can experience issues with the frame fitting properly into place.
If your old door was made of vinyl, then it’s a good idea to replace it with a concrete reinforcement bar. This will provide better texture and strength to hold up heavy pieces.
If you’re working with a full frame, then make sure it’s secured into place tightly and permanently. If it isn’t, then the whole frame could fall out of place!
Make sure that you also measure your door to fit any old doors or windows in your home before installing it as well. This will ensure that everything fits together correctly and that it will all work for you.
If the frame is new, then you’ll want to work your way around each angle of the frame until all drywall has been installed properly. This will help prevent any type of damage or complications from occurring as well!
Make sure that you use siding and screws made for a sliding glass door. If not, your new door could fall out of place during any type of movement or caught wind!
Make sure that there are no screws or other items on the inside portion of your sliding glass door frame. You can also use weather stripping around the entire frame to help avoid these problems from happening!
If you’re looking for an alternative way to create an all-wood frame, then using fiberglass panels is the way to go. These can be found at any hardware or home improvement store and are fairly inexpensive!
We hope you found this article helpful in learning how to install a sliding glass door. If so, please share it with your friends and family on Facebook or Twitter! We also encourage you to visit our website for more useful information about the installation process and other types of doors we offer at King Door & Lock.
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