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Precautions While You Doing Door Frame Replacement

Precautions While You Doing Door Frame Replacement

As you probably know, door frame replacement is a pretty big job. You’re going to need to take some precautions if you want the job to go smoothly. In this blog post, we’ll outline five of the most important ones for you. By following these tips,...
How To Change Door Locks? 

How To Change Door Locks? 

If you’re like most people, you probably take the security of your home for granted. You may not give too much thought to the locks on your doors until something happens that makes you realize how important they are. If you find yourself in need of a new lock or...
What Are The Different Parts Of Door Lock? 

What Are The Different Parts Of Door Lock? 

Door locks are a common and necessary security feature in most homes. While they seem like a simple devices, there is more to door locks than meets the eye. There are different parts of door locks that work together to keep your home safe. This blog post will discuss...
12 Door Services Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Business Owners

12 Door Services Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Business Owners

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You’re responsible for making sure your employees are productive, your customers are happy, and that your business is running smoothly. But with so much to do, it’s easy to let some things fall through the...
16 Door Services Myths Explained

16 Door Services Myths Explained

You may have heard a lot of myths about door services. Some people might tell you that you don’t need a locksmith to fix your lock, or that you should only call a locksmith in an emergency. Here at King Door and Lock, we want to set the record straight....

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